Launcher UI

This React web application provides a wizard that will guide you through launching an OVE App step-by-step.

It will also display the curl command that can be used to repeat this action at the command line.

The launcher UI can be accessed by opening the URL http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/ui/launcher with a web browser. Before using the launcher UI, you will need to host the content that you plan to load into the respective applications. For more information on hosting content for OVE, see the Usage page.

Using the Launcher UI

The launcher UI takes users through a step-by-step process to select, configure and deploy an application into an OVE space.

It is mostly self-explanatory, but there are a few things to note:

  1. The launcher expects the chosen application to be running before you proceed to the second step. If it is not, the launcher will report a selected application is not available error.
  2. The launcher lists all spaces available within the pre-configured OVE environment. Not all instances of OVE may have the same spaces, and if you cannot find the space that you were expecting to select, you may be connecting to the wrong OVE instance. In such a situation, please validate the REACT_APP_OVE_HOST configuration that you have provided when installing the launcher.
  3. The launcher can only be used to create sections that lie entirely within a space. If your chosen goemetry does not lie entirely within a space, you will be shown a form validation error.
  4. The third step for configuring the application state for a section varies according to the chosen application. It is not displayed in the case of the Controller App and the Replicator App. It is displayed for the Alignment App and the Whiteboard App, but a form is not available to the user. For the Maps App and the WebRTC App, a choice of mode is not available and only pre-loaded named states can be selected. The complete form is available for all other apps providing options for selecting a pre-loaded named state or providing a URL for loading a new asset.
  5. The fourth step for reviewing the state configuration and operation details provides the users with the opportunity to make changes to the JSON configuration that will be loaded when the application is launched. This option is available for all apps except for the Alignment App and the Whiteboard App.
  6. The fourth step also lets users decide whether all existing sections in a space must be deleted or retained before the new section is created when launching the chosen app.
  7. For all apps except for the Replicator App users can choose whether the application-specific controller is displayed on the browser. This choice is selected by default for the Alignment, Controller, Maps, SVG, WebRTC and Whiteboard apps.
  8. The last two steps are displayed for all types of applications. The curl command to delete the existing sections on a space will only be available if the corresponding option was available and selected in the fourth step. The final step is merely a confirmation and the user is not expected to take further action unless if they wanted to launch another app, launch the application-specific controller or preview the space which should include the newly launched app.