Developing OVE Applications

OVE provides a number of applications to display commonly-used types of content, such as HTML, tiled images, audio and video files, maps, networks, and charts. The HTML App is particularly flexible, and allows the hosting of general HTML/JavaScript web applications. However, if existing applications do not meet your needs then you can write a new OVE app.

@ove-lib/appbase provides a base library on which OVE applications can be built.

Application structure

An application typically has the structure:

├── package.json
└── src
    ├── client
    │   ├── common
    │   │   ├── <app-name>.css
    │   │   └── <app-name>.js
    │   ├── constants
    │   │   └── <app-name>.js
    │   ├── control
    │   │   ├── <app-name>.css
    │   │   └── <app-name>.js
    │   ├── index.html
    │   └── view
    │       ├── <app-name>.css
    │       └── <app-name>.js
    ├── config.json
    ├── data
    ├── swagger-extensions.yaml
    └── index.js

At the top level, the file explains the purpose and usage of the application in human-readable form, whereas package.json provides machine-readable information about the package (name, version, author, license), its dependencies, and build commands.

Within src/, config.json describes any pre-configured states that are provided as examples (which may depend on data files in src/data); src/index.js is the file that is actually run by node.js to create a server instance. The @ove-lib/appbase base library exposes an API to interact with the app. If the application exposes additional API methods the src/swagger-extensions.yaml is used to describe them, so that Swagger can automatically generate documentation.

Applications are partitioned into separate a control and view, with shared parts placed in src/client/common/ (for CSS or JavaScript functions) or src/client/constants (for JavaScript constants). A single index.html file is shared between the control and view, but it renders different content in both cases due to the inclusion of different JavaScript files.

The JavaScript and CSS files in control/ are used to render the application’s control page; the JavaScript and CSS files in view/ are used to render the page that is displayed when the application is loaded into a section.

The index.html file

Before the index.html file is served, the placeholders __OVEHOST__ and __OVETYPE__ are replaced (this replacement is specified by the registerRoutesForContent function defined in ove-lib-utils/src/index.js ). __OVEHOST__ is replaced by the host-name that was specified by the OVE_HOST environment variable set in pm2.json (or docker-compose.yml). __OVETYPE__ is replaced by view or control.

This mechanism allows the construction of paths for the inclusion of JavaScript or CSS files.


Messages can be logged by creating a OVE.Utils.Logger object, and then calling the method with the appropriate level (fatal, error, warn, debug, info or trace):

const log = OVE.Utils.Logger(Constants.APP_NAME, Constants.LOG_LEVEL);
log.debug('Starting application');

The index.js file and server-side application initialization

For most applications the index.js would look similar to:

const { Constants } = require('./client/constants/<app-nam>');
const { app, log } = require('@ove-lib/appbase')(__dirname, Constants.APP_NAME);
const server = require('http').createServer(app);

const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
server.listen(port);, 'application started, port:', port);

The @ove-lib/appbase base library also exposes express, nodeModules and config. These can be used to register express routes, to expose nodule modules or to access application-specific configuration found in the config.json file. To expose a node module from your application:

const { express, app, log, nodeModules } = require('@ove-lib/appbase')(__dirname, Constants.APP_NAME);
const path = require('path');

log.debug('Using module:', '<module-name>');
app.use('/', express.static(path.join(nodeModules, '<module-name>', '<module-directory>')));

The swagger-extensions.yaml file

The swagger-extensions.yaml is optional and only found in applications exposing REST API methods. Contents of this file include definitions of Paths and Tags objects according to the Swagger 2.0 Specification.

Server-side Helper methods

OVE Utils provides a number of useful methods, such as Utils.getOVEHost(), Utils.sendMessage(res, status, message), Utils.sendEmptySuccess(res), Utils.getSafeSocket(socket), and Utils.isNullOrEmpty(value). To make use of OVE Utils from your application to communicate with other OVE components using WebSockets:

const { log, Utils } = require('@ove-lib/appbase')(__dirname, Constants.APP_NAME);

let ws;
const getSocket = function () {
    const socketURL = 'ws://' + Utils.getOVEHost();
    log.debug('Establishing WebSocket connection with:', socketURL);
    let socket = new (require('ws'))(socketURL);
    socket.on('error', log.error);
    socket.on('close', function (code) {
        log.warn('Lost websocket connection: closed with code:', code);
        log.warn('Attempting to reconnect in ' + Constants.SOCKET_REFRESH_DELAY + 'ms');
        // If the socket is closed, we try to refresh it.
        setTimeout(getSocket, Constants.SOCKET_REFRESH_DELAY);
    ws = Utils.getSafeSocket(socket);

ws.safeSend(JSON.stringify({ appId: Constants.APP_NAME, message: message }));

Clint-side application initialization

On document load, you should create a new OVE object attached to the window object of the web browser:

window.ove = new OVE(Constants.APP_NAME);
// perform initialization
window.ove.context.isInitialized = true;

As part of initialization, you should call OVE.Utils.initControl or OVE.Utils.initView:

const initControl = function (data) {
    // perform further initialization.
OVE.Utils.initControl(Constants.DEFAULT_STATE_NAME, initControl);

OVE.Utils.initControl accepts a function to perform any further initialization that will be called once OVE initializes the controller of the app. It also accepts the name of the default state to be loaded as a part of the initialization process.

const initView = function () {
    // perform initialization before OVE loads the viewer.
const onStateLoaded = function () {
    // called immediately after the state is loaded.
OVE.Utils.initView(initView, onStateLoaded);

OVE.Utils.initView accepts a function to perform initialization before OVE initializes the viewer of the app. Unlike the controller, the viewer needs to be pre-initialized. This is to ensure JavaScript libraries are appropriately initialized before the application state is loaded. OVE.Utils.initView also accepts a function that gets called immediately after the state is loaded to the viewer.

If there are any further initialization that needs to be done after OVE initializes the viewer of the app, OVE.Utils.initView also accepts an optional function as its third parameter:

const postInitView = function () {
    // perform further initialization.
OVE.Utils.initView(initView, onStateLoaded, postInitView);

You should also ensure that page elements have been resized appropriately.


OVE.Utils provides two methods for automatically resizing a <div> element. OVE.Utils.resizeController(contentDivName) scales the element with id contentDivName to fit inside both the client and window, whilst maintaining the aspect ratio of the section/content; OVE.Utils.resizeViewer(contentDivName) resizes the element with id contentDivName to the size of the corresponding section (which may span multiple clients), and then translated based on the client’s coordinates.

Client-side Helper methods

OVE.Utils provides a number of useful methods, such as OVE.Utils.getQueryParam(name, defaultValue), OVE.Utils.getURLQueryParam(), OVE.Utils.getSpace(), OVE.Utils.getClient(), OVE.Utils.getViewId() and OVE.Utils.getSectionId().

OVE.Utils.Coordinates.transform(vector, inputType, outputType) provides a mechanism to convert coordinates of one format to another. The input and output types can be one of OVE.Utils.Coordinates.SCREEN, OVE.Utils.Coordinates.SECTION or OVE.Utils.Coordinates.SPACE:

// Get location of mouse pointer within the space.
function onMouseEvent(event) {
    const spaceCoordinates = OVE.Utils.Coordinates.transform(
        [event.screenX, event.screenY], OVE.Utils.Coordinates.SCREEN, OVE.Utils.Coordinates.SPACE);

The OVE object

The OVE object (window.ove) provides a number of useful functions and data structures to handle state, to interpret geometry and to communicate via WebSockets. It also provides a context (window.ove.context) to hold the application’s local variables. The window.ove.context.uuid property provides a unique identifier for each instance of OVE. This can be used to uniquely identify each viewer and controller in the system. The window.ove.context.hostname property provides the hostname of the ove.js library.

Handling state

The window.ove.state object provides a window.ove.state.current data structure to hold the current application state. You can decide what this should contain, given the particular needs of your application.

The current application state (contents of window.ove.state.current) can be sent as a WebSocket broadcast by calling OVE.Utils.broadcastState() (with no arguments). This will update the current state on all clients that receive the message; you can register a callback function to be called when this change occurs using OVE.Utils.setOnStateUpdate(callbackFunctionName).

The window.ove.state object also provides two other methods cache and load, which can be used to cache the application state on the server and load it sometime later. These methods are internally called by the utility methods provided by OVE.Utils and therefore their use is limited to a few advanced use-cases.

Interpreting geometry

The window.ove.geometry provides information useful to interpret the geometry of the clients:

  • window.ove.geometry.x - Displacement along the x-axis relative to the top-left of the section in pixels
  • window.ove.geometry.y - Displacement along the y-axis relative to the top-left of the section in pixels
  • window.ove.geometry.w - Width of the client
  • window.ove.geometry.h - Height of the client
  • window.ove.geometry.section.w - Width of the section (or the total width of the application)
  • window.ove.geometry.section.h - Height of the section (or the total height of the application)
  • - Width of the space (or the total width of all clients)
  • - Height of the space (or the total height of all clients)
  • window.ove.geometry.offset.x - Displacement of top-left of the client along the x-axis relative to the top-left of the browser window in pixels
  • window.ove.geometry.offset.y - Displacement of top-left of the client along the y-axis relative to the top-left of the browser window in pixels

While all of this information is available on a fully initialized viewer, the controller only has:

  • window.ove.geometry.section.w - Width of the section (or the total width of the application)
  • window.ove.geometry.section.h - Height of the section (or the total height of the application)

Communicating via WebSockets

The window.ove.socket provides two functions send and on to send and receive messages using WebSockets:

window.ove.socket.on(function (message) {
    // logic to interpret the message

The message argument represents a JSON serializable object in both methods. These methods are particularly useful to trigger remote operations or to expose JavaScript functionality using REST APIs. They can also be used to develop controllers that support interactive operations such as linking and brushing, across a number of different application instances or types. The tool used for Debugging Communication via WebSockets is a good example on how to use these methods to develop an external controller.

Debugging Communication via WebSockets

OVE provides a tool to debug communications via WebSockets. This tool can be obtained either by downloading it (right-click this link and select Save as) or by cloning the source code.

git clone
cd ove/packages/ove-core/tools/debug-socket

To access the browser-based tool you will also need to start a web-server. This can be done using one of the approaches shown below.


npm install http-server -g

Python 2:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9999

Python 3:

python3 -m http.server 9999

Please note that you may need to specify a port number if you have chosen to use Python and the default of port 8000 is already in use (the examples above specify 9999 as the port to use).

Once the application is launched it will be available at the any of the URLs printed on the console, if you have chosen to use Node.js or at http://localhost:8000 (or corresponding port number), if you have chosen to use Python.

If the tool prompts you to provide oveHost, oveAppName and oveSectionId as query parameters, please modify the URL and provide these parameters.

The oveHost parameter takes the form of OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT. The oveAppName parameter is the name of the application you are interested in debugging, such as maps, images or html (which by convention is always in lower case). The name of the application can also be obtained via the http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/app/OVE_APP_NAME/name API. The oveSectionId is the identifier of the section in which the application is currently deployed in. This identifier is used when accessing the application’s control page or when working with OVE APIs to manage sections.

If the tool has been accessed with the correct parameters, you should see a text box along with a Send button. The contents of the text box should automatically change when you perform any operation on the application that you are currently debugging. You can modify the contents of the text-box and press the Send button to control the application from within the tool.

Communicating within a web browser

The window.ove.frame provides two functions send and on to send and receive messages within a web browser:

window.ove.frame.on(function (message) {
    // logic to interpret the message
window.ove.frame.send(target, message, appId);

The message argument represents a JSON serializable object in both methods. The target argument can be one of Constants.Frame.PEER or Constants.Frame.CHILD, and the optional appId argument identifies the target application. If window.ove.frame.on has not been set, all messages would be received by window.ove.socket.on. These methods can be used to develop controllers that support interactive operations such as linking and brushing, across a number of different application instances or types.

Embedding OVE within an existing web application

Each OVE client can be deployed in its own iFrame and embedded into an existing web application. This approach has been used in the Whiteboard App and the Replicator App. OVE also supports a number of useful properties that can be passed into the iFrame of each client. The filters property accepts an includeOnly or exclude child-property that can be used to specifically include or exclude sections from being displayed within a client. Each OVE client has a dark grey background, which can be set to none using the transparentBackground property. The load property can be set to forcefully reload the contents of a client.

These properties can be passed into all client iFrames as a message sent to the core application, as noted below:

        load: true,
        transparentBackground: true,
        filters: { includeOnly: [0, 1] }