Development Guide

Starting the services locally

Please refer to the local install guide to start the development.


All AM services use the following libraries:

Backend and workers only:

  • minio - as an Amazon S3 compatible object store

UI only:

  • Jinja2 - for HTML templating
  • markdown2 - converting the worker documentation from Markdown to HTML

Adding new AM Backend functionality

The code for the AM Backend can be found in the am module:

  • is used to configure the app and setup all the app routes
  • a startup script that can be used for development and testing
  • the backend controller which connects the mangers to the API routes
  • the worker manager, keeping the state of all registered workers
  • all the REST routes, in falcon format

Adding new UI functionality

The code for the AM Backend can be found in the ui module:

  • is used to configure the app and setup all the app routes
  • a startup script that can be used for development and testing
  • the UI controller which connects the mangers to the API routes
  • * utils classes for alerts or Jinja2 integration
  • the client used to make requests to the backend
  • the UI controller which connects the mangers to the API routes
  • all the REST routes, in falcon format (falcon docs on routing)
  • a content type validator

The Jinja2 templates written in HTML and are located in the ui/templates.

The frontend uses a few JavaScript libraries. If you add new dependencies, then these must be added to package.json and the assets (js, css and font files exposed by the library) must be added to move-assets.js.

You may find it convenient to set the SERVICE_AM_HOSTNAME environment variable to point at an instance of the AM backend running on a different machine during development and testing.

Adding a new Worker

Creating a worker requires changes in several places:

  • a Markdown documentation file in docs/workers
  • a Dockerfile in a new subdirectory of docker/
  • the worker itself, in a new subdirectory of workers/
  • an addition to docker-compose.yml

You will also need to modify the template used by the OVE Installer.

All new workers can extend the BaseWorker class. The methods that require an implementation are marked as abstract in the base class:

from typing import List, Dict
from common.entities import OveMeta

from workers.base import BaseWorker

class NewWorker(BaseWorker):
    def worker_type(self) -> str:
        :return: the worker type as a string. This value can be a valid WorkerType or anything else
        return ""

    def extensions(self) -> List:
        :return: the extensions handled by this worker
        return []

    def description(self) -> str:
        :return: description in human-readable format
        return ""

    def docs(self) -> str:
        :return: the worker documentation document url, in markdown format
        see for more details
        return ""

    def parameters(self) -> Dict:
        :return: the worker parameter description, in json-form format:
        see for more details
        return {}

    def process(self, project_id: str, meta: OveMeta, options: Dict):
        Override this to start processing
        :param project_id: name of the project to process
        :param meta: the object to process
        :param options: task options, passed by the asset manager. Can be empty
        :return: None
        :raises: Any exception is treated properly and logged by the safe_process method
        # this is where the worker processing happens

To test a worker using Docker, you will need to expose the correct port (e.g, with -p 6090:6090), and set the environment variables SERVICE_AM_HOSTNAME, SERVICE_AM_PORT, and SERVICE_HOSTNAME. If testing with an instance of the Asset Manager on another machine, that machine must be able to resolve the SERVICE_HOSTNAME to the machine running the worker.