Maps App

This app supports visualisation of dynamic maps using the OVE framework. It gives users the option of using either OpenLayers or Leaflet as the underlying mapping library and supports tiled map layers (from Bing, OSM, etc), the CARTO platform, vector data described in formats such as GeoJSON and custom overlays built using JavaScript libraries such as D3.js.

The maps app depends on a Map Layers configuration that can be provided within the config.json file (either embedded or as a URL) or as an environment variable named OVE_MAPS_LAYERS, that points to a URL.

Application State

The state of this app has a format similar to:

    "center": ["-11137.70850550061", "6710544.04980525"],
    "resolution": "77",
    "zoom": "12",

The center, resolution and zoom properties are mandatory. It is also possible to store these properties in a file with a .json extension and provide its location using the optional url property. If the url property is provided, center, resolution and zoom can be omitted from the state configuration.

Optionally, there can be one or more enabled layers and one or more scripts to load custom overlays as seen above. The enabledLayers property accepts a list of integer values. These integer values correspond to the order (starting from 0) in which the layers were defined on the Map Layers configuration.

The scripts property accepts a list of URLs of JavaScript files.

Designing Custom Overlays

Custom overlays for the maps app are loaded using a single script as explained above in the Application State section. However, there may be the requirement to load multiple dependent JavaScript libraries, and also other resources such as datasets and CSS files. The example below shows what a typical customLayer.js should look like.

let transformURL;

(function () {
    if (!window.customLayer) {
        let js_files = ["", "./script.js"];
        let css_files = ["./customLayer.css"];

        transformURL = function(url) {
            if (url.startsWith('./')) {
                return getHostName(true, 'customLayer.js') + '/' + url.slice(2);
            } else {
                return url;

        js_files =;
        css_files =;

        const first = $('script:first');

        js_files.forEach(function (e) {
            $('<script>', {src: e}).insertBefore(first);

        css_files.forEach(function (e) {
            $('<link>', {href: e, rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css"}).insertBefore(first);

        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 2000);

        window.customLayer = true;

        function getHostName (withScheme, scriptName) {
            let scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
            for (let i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
                if (scripts[i].src.indexOf(scriptName) > 0) {
                    return scripts[i].src.substring(
                        withScheme ? 0 : scripts[i].src.indexOf('//') + 2,
            return undefined;

Loading the App

A map can be loaded using the OVE APIs:


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"app": {"url": "http://OVE_APP_MAPS_HOST:PORT","states": {"load": {"center": ["-11137.70850550061", "6710544.04980525"], "resolution": "77", "zoom": "12", "enabledLayers":["23"], "scripts":["http://my.domain/customLayer.js"]}}}, "space": "OVE_SPACE", "h": 500, "w": 500, "y": 0, "x": 0}' http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"app\": {\"url\": \"http://OVE_APP_MAPS_HOST:PORT\", \"states\": {\"load\": {\"center\": [\"-11137.70850550061\", \"6710544.04980525\"], \"resolution\": \"77\", \"zoom\": \"12\", \"enabledLayers\":[\"23\"], \"scripts\":[\"http://my.domain/customLayer.js\"]}}}, \"space\": \"OVE_SPACE\", \"h\": 500, \"w\": 500, \"y\": 0, \"x\": 0}" http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section

Controlling the App

The controller of the app can be loaded by accessing the URL http://OVE_APP_MAPS_HOST:PORT/control.html?oveSectionId=SECTION_ID&layers=23. The layers parameter in the URL is optional and can have more than one value at a time separated by commas. The controller supports panning and zooming of maps.

Key considerations when using the App

All considerations when using this app are directly related to its reliability and performance:

  1. The maps app tends to load many tiles on screens with higher resolutions and tile servers that are slow and remote tend to perform very poorly compared to servers that are much faster and locally hosted.
  2. JavaScript executed to load custom overlays must not introduce any performance bottlenecks or execute code that has a negative impact on the reliability of OVE.
  3. If the Map Layers configuration is specified as a URL (rather than being directly embedded in the config.json file), then this must be available before the server-side of this app is launched using PM2 or Docker.