Charts App

This app supports visualisation of charts using the OVE framework. It is based on Vega-Embed, which provides support for both Vega and Vega-Lite: these are both declarative languages for interactive visualizations, but Vega-Lite is a higher level language. Vega-Embed supports Canvas and SVG rendering.

Please note that this app supports visualisation of networks, but OVE also provides a separate Networks App that is specialised for drawing node-link diagrams.

Application State

The state of this app has a format similar to:

    "url": "",
    "options": {
        "width": 800,
        "height": 800

The url property points to a URL of a Vega-Embed specification. Alternatively, the specification be embedded in the state using a spec property.

Loading the App

A chart can be loaded using the OVE APIs:


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"app": {"url": "http://OVE_APP_CHARTS_HOST:PORT","states": {"load": {"url": "", "options": {"width": 800, "height": 800}}}}, "space": "OVE_SPACE", "h": 500, "w": 500, "y": 0, "x": 0}' http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"app\": {\"url\": \"http://OVE_APP_CHARTS_HOST:PORT\", \"states\": {\"load\": {\"url\": \"\", \"options\": {\"width\": 800, \"height\": 800}}}}, \"space\": \"OVE_SPACE\", \"h\": 500, \"w\": 500, \"y\": 0, \"x\": 0}" http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section

The charts app has a transparent background. If required, a background colour of choice can be set using the Background Utility provided by OVE.

Controlling the App

The controller of the app can be loaded by accessing the URL http://OVE_APP_CHARTS_HOST:PORT/control.html?oveSectionId=SECTION_ID.