Using OVE

There are several steps that must be performed in order to use OVE to control a display.

Before using OVE, you will need to install OVE Core, any OVE Apps, and any OVE Services that you intend to use. Installation guidelines can be found in the OVE Installation Guide. As a part of the installation, you must ensure that the OVE core server, and all OVE apps, are accessible from the computers connected to the monitors that will be used in the display.

Setting up OVE

By default, OVE provides two spaces, that are useful for trying out some of the OVE Apps with sample content. These are:

  • LocalNine - This space contains nine clients arranged in 3 x 3 configuration. Each client has a dimension of 1440 x 808 pixels and the total space has a dimension of 4320 x 2424 pixels.
  • LocalFour - This space contains four clients arranged in 2 x 2 configuration. Each client has a dimension of 1440 x 808 pixels and the total space has a dimension of 2880 x 1616 pixels.

You will need to modify the Spaces.json file and introduce a new space in OVE, before it can be used.

Launching browsers

In order to use OVE, you will need to open the URL of each client in a separate web browser window (or tab). Each URL has the form: http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/view.html?oveViewId={SPACE}-{ID}. The values for OVE_CORE_HOST and PORT must be set as explained in the OVE Installation Guide. The value for SPACE would be the name of the space used, such as LocalNine, LocalFour, or a name of a new space that has been defined in the Spaces.json file. The value for ID is the index of the client associated with the browser window, in the definition of the space in Spaces.json file.

It is recommended to use OVE with Google Chrome, as this is the web browser used for development and in production at the Data Science Institute. However, OVE should also be compatible with other modern web browsers: if you encounter any browser-specific bugs please report them as an Issue.

To test OVE functionality, you can simply open four web browser windows (or tabs) with the following URLs corresponding to the LocalFour space:


However, in a much larger OVE installation with many monitors, opening browser windows may be sufficiently time-consuming for automation to be worthwhile.

On Windows, a PowerShell script can be used to launch full-screen browsers with the correct URLs. On Linux, a Bash script can be used. On MacOS, either Bash or AppleScript could be used.

Launching OVE Apps

OVE provides three different ways of launching apps into an OVE environment:

The OVE Editor is designed to be used by the most basic users of OVE. The OVE Core APIs are intended to be used by the most advanced users of OVE.

Given below are instructions on how to load sample content using the Images App. A complete list of all apps and similar instructions on how to use them can be found in the OVE Apps repository.

Launching OVE Apps from the OVE Editor

The OVE Editor is still work in progress, and is not currently available as an option.

Launching OVE Apps using the Python Client Library

The Python Client Library is one of the SDKs provided by OVE, which can be installed separately by following the instructions available on its GitHub repository.

To launch the Images App with a sample image, in the LocalNine space, run:

from ove.config import local_space as space



image = space.add_section(w=4320, h=2424, x=0, y=0, app_type='images')
image.set_url("", "shelley")

Launching OVE Apps using OVE Core APIs

OVE provides a number of useful APIs that can be used to launch applications and load content. The complete list of APIs provided by OVE Core is documented at: http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/api-docs.

The APIs for OVE core, all apps, and all services are documented using Swagger, and it is possible to directly invoke them from within the API documentation page (http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/api-docs) using a web browser. Alternatively, a standalone tool such as curl can be used.

An image can be loaded into the LocalFour space using the OVE APIs, by running the following commands using curl.


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request DELETE http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"app": {"url": "http://OVE_APP_IMAGES_HOST:PORT","states": {"load": {"tileSources": ""}}}, "space": "LocalFour", "h": 500, "w": 500, "y": 0, "x": 0}' http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request DELETE http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data "{\"app\": {\"url\": \"http://OVE_APP_IMAGES_HOST:PORT\", \"states\": {\"load\": {\"tileSources\": \"\"}}}, \"space\": \"LocalFour\", \"h\": 500, \"w\": 500, \"y\": 0, \"x\": 0}" http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT/section

These commands clear all sections on OVE, and create a new section containing an instance of the Images App. In this example we are loading a Deep Zoom image.

The OVE core APIs can be used for various other purposes such as grouping sections together, transforming section dimensions by translating and scaling, or for moving sections from one space to another. APIs exposed by OVE apps can be used to set, update or flush application state and to obtain differences between states or to transform from one state to another using pan and zoom operations. A catalogue of all available APIs for OVE core and all active apps is available at http://OVE_CORE_HOST:PORT.

Controlling OVE Apps and designing interactive visualisations

Once an App has been loaded into an OVE space it can be controlled using the corresponding controller, which provides app-specific functionality. For example, the controller of the Images App supports panning and zooming of images that have been loaded. The controller can be loaded into a separate browser window by accessing the URL http://OVE_APP_IMAGES_HOST:PORT/control.html?oveSectionId=0.

A common practice when designing projects with interactive visualisations is to create a custom launcher application that is capable of making API calls. Such applications are usually designed to run on web browsers and invoke the OVE Core API using JavaScript code. These applications provide a single-click (or single-touch) experience for launching and controlling OVE apps.

When designing content to be displayed in an OVE environment, please also be aware of the potential pitfalls.